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Winning Chess Moves

Black moves….

winning chess moves

1…f5!! This move stops the white attack along the f-file and after this White is running into the decisive black attack, which is unstoppable.

Black moves

winning chess moves

1…Bh3!! This strong black move is pulling the king into Blacks territory where it will be undefendable.

Black moves

winning chess moves

1…Qxf3!! This move starts a strong attack where Black is regaining the material as well.

Black needs additional forces, the h-pawn

Black wants to give a checkmate to the white king but the two rooks alone are unable to do this. For this reason he just moved the pawn to h5

winning chess moves

The idea is to use the last ressource, a pawn, to be able to give checkmate to the white king. The h-pawn runs to h3 to protect a rook on g2, then the other rook can give checkmate on h1.

winning chess moves

Now Black plays Rcg2+ followed by Rh1 checkmate.

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