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GM Chess Games

…following the footsteps of professional chess player GM Bogdan Lalic.

“I won in the 1st round of Cap d’Agde open tournament. Very difficult game, if he had sacrificed on e6 with 20 Ndxe6! fxe6 21 Nxe6 Qxc2 23 Rd2! after some deep analysis computer gives plus 1,0 for white!”

“Instead he played overoptimistic 20 f5?? which was just losing for him.”

GM Lalic is specialized in the Qb6 Sicilian (as Black, of course). See below. I like this variation. Not much fiddling around but it goes straight ahead and is very much to the point, if you know what I mean. – Admin

Dupouy, Francois (2084) – Lalic, Bogdan (2450)

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“Back to the old bad habits, today I drank one bottle of red wine for suppet, the wine there is for free, also sharing a room with Bulgarian IM Dimitar Marholev is a pretext to drink each day 3 litres of red wine. – Beware of alcohol!”

“Basically for GM Naumkin and IM Marholev to drink per day 5 litres of red wine is nothing, but if other people like me do the same then they will be dead. I have to be careful, what does it matter if I take every day 2 portions of herbal teas against the liver problems if in 10 days I drink 10 litres of red wine? Then all efforts with herbal tees are put to nothing. Beware of alcohol!”

Well, then I want to see your next game. I wonder how you will play with all that alcohol in your head?– Admin

Lalic, Bogdan (2450) – Bareyre, Patrick (2155)

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“I drew in the 5th round of Cap d’Agde Open tournament. Very strange game, I did not realise that at the end I was winning ( a pawn up for him, but suddenly he has no defence on the kingside ).

I did not see that plan with Rc1 and Rg1+ I only looked this plan after giving first check on d5 with my queen but then he manages to consolidate with f3 and Rook to f2.”

“In one moment I was close to losing, he should have played first f3 instead of Queen to e5. My d5-d4 is excellent pawn sacrifice, I have to play this in order to active my queen. Very strange position, White is a pawn up and pair of bishops but Black has compensation for a pawn due to activity. Long live Tarrasch Defence ( this defence I played in my youth before switching to Gruenfeld and Nimzoindian and QGA ).” – GM Bogdan Lalic

I like the Tarrasch Defense too.– Admin

Maiorov, Nikita (2583) – Lalic, Bogdan (2450)

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“Despite all, I have to be very satisfied with today’s draw against GM Maiorov. Basically he was better for most of the game, I defended tenaciously, but he avoided move repetition on both occasions.”

“Only in his time scramble the last 4 moves did I get the chance. In the last position I am probably winning, but this is only because he pushed too far. Also it is not easy to see that I am winning ( the tactical motive Rc1-g1+ ) so if I had won today it would have been completely undeserved. A draw is a just result shown by play of both players, if I had won it would have been like a robbery.”

“Tommorow I have a very difficult game on the 1st board with Black against number one of the tournament Greek GM Hristos Banikas elo 2638, he is absolute favourite, if I think to survive that, I have to prepare very well.”


“I drew in the 7th round of Cap d’Agde Open tournament. He had a slight pressure but I well countered with the well timed opening of a-file. Good, I survived number one of the tournament.”

Banikas, Hristos (2638) – Lalic, Bogdan (2450)

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“In the 8th round I had a very quick draw against Croatian GM Mladen Palac ( elo 2561 ), in the 9th round I drew with GM Pelletier Yannick elo 2574 so I got a prize in the tournament.”

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