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Chess Stories by GM Lalic

Chess stories …

Bobby Fischer: ” I have a minus score (against Spassky). I lost 3 and drew 2. I was better than him when I lost those games. I pressed for the win. My overall tournament record is much better than his. I’m not afraid of him, he’s afraid of me “.

“I think people who want to order others ( to have authority ) they have big psychological advantage to others. Yesterday GM Atalik was doing the same what used to do in the past Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov ( to shout for the silence etc ). In some way he was right but then his opponent is feeling humiliated.

Garry Kasparov always used to put his luxury watch at the table ( this is a psychological sign that he should win. Basically he is like giving a lesson to his pupil ).

The late english GM Tony Miles used to do the same. Once in Benasque tournament about 15 years ago there was an interesting anecdote. He was playing the Croatian grandmaster Davor Komljenovic.

Miles as usual, put his watch aside and Komljenovic who likes scandals thought how not to give him a psychological advantage. He brought his big alarm watch ( which can even ring! ) and put it also beside his board.

Miles protested, but Komljenovic said that if Miles has the right to put the watch, he can put his big alarm clock.

Everyone was laughing, the game went on, and later in a drawn rook and pawn endgame slightly better for Komljenovic, Miles who lost his nerves couple of times during that game, made and error and finally lost!!!

“GM Lalic is a star, who the fuXX, travels from the UK to Zagreb just to see his dentist ??” – by Steve Ormerod

In the last round game from Andorra Open, many years ago, which was won by Croatian GM Davor Komljenovic, the late GM Tony Miles, after that loss, was relegated to the 12th place ( a very small prize, there were only 12 prizes ), during that time Tony Miles bought the flat in Andorra.

Komljenovic needed a draw to win the tournament, Miles needed to win to share the 1st place, he was half a point less.

After move 20 or so Komljenovic in hedgehog offered a draw first time on which Miles responded: ” I want to play on “, after some 10 moves so after move 30 Komljenovic offered draw again, on which irritated Miles responded ” I NEED TO PLAY “.

Just before the time scramble Miles overpressed and was probably already losing, so Miles offered a draw on which Komljenovic now responded ( everyone listened to that ) : ” NO TONY, NOW IS TOO LATE “!!!!


This is the game between GMs Komljenovic Davor and the late Miles Anthony in Benasque when both players put the watch and alarm clock on the table.

Komljenovic, Davorin (2460) – Miles, Anthony J (2550)

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Naumkin, Igor (2448) – Lalic, Bogdan (2474) – 0-1

Unbelievable, but true 16.b4?? LOSES! – by Admin

“I was lucky GM Naumkin drank more than one litre of wine after lunch and we played 1 hour later, this is why he played 16 b4 and not 16 b3, which would have probably drawn.”

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“Elo is really RELATIVE.”

Next game the best player of the world, Magnus Carlsen, plays versus a German grandmaster and loses. – Admin

Carlsen, Magnus (2877) – Naiditsch, Arkadij (2709)

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“I am glad to announce that only 21 people in the whole chess history had played more tournament slow games than me ( not many ) I hope I might one day enter the top field regarding the number of played games.”

“I think I was wasting my time by playing a lot in Spain I should have played in Italy more my elo would be better and I would have got better prizes, playing in Spain is complete shit too many good players and shity conditions so why to be a mazochist and go there to play, for what, for the sake of the game or what? It is all a nonsense, Spain was the best chess country some 20 years ago but those times are long gone, there is complete shit and conditions for GMs are very poor and money ( prizes ) are low so I can recomment only to my enemies to go there and play tournament after tournament.”

“I heard an interesting gossip from Russian GM Igor Naumkin, he is convinced that in those times when SSSR won every time the golden medal during olympiads, KGB bought the critical games for the team.

Once during Skopje Olympiad in the match between SSSR and Bulgaria there was an adjourned game between Tringov and Kortschnoj in which Kortschnoj sealed the move in a lost position. There was an incident because the letter with Kortschnoj’s sealed move suddenly disappeared. Surely KGB tried to save Kortschnoj from defeat but he lost anyway.”

“It seems that the ex-World Champion Boris Spassky did not have a very high opinion about the so called Russian chess school.

Once asked about this question ” What is Russian Chess School ” by Hungarian GM Joszef Horvath ( they played some time ago for the same team in French League – Olimpique Lyonnais ) Spassky replied : ” This is when Mikhail Botvinnik during the game went to the toilet to read his home notes about some opening “.

The cities of GM Bogdan Lalics chess travels since 25.06.2014 until 12.08.2014.
London, Madrid, Jaen, Madrid, Zaragoza, Huesca, Benasque, Beaunne, Plzen, Prague, Pardubice, Prague, Tabor, Prague, Rome, Palermo, Agrigento, Catania, Messina, Reggio Calabria, Taranto, Lecce

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