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Chess Puzzles

Learn advanced chess strategies and study these chess puzzles below. These positions are taken from tournaments and are real-life chess situations.

White moves
White moves
chess puzzles
chess puzzles
1.a4 takes the initiative
1.Bd4 is the killer move

White moves
Black moves
chess puzzles
chess puzzles
1.e6! prepares Bd4+

White moves
White moves
chess puzzles
chess puzzles
1.Nc5 wins the endgame as white pieces are better
1.Nc5 Re7 2.Nxa6 fork, or 1.Nc5 dxN 2.Rd7 and White wins hitting f7

White moves
White moves
chess puzzles
chess puzzles
1.Nc5 bxN 2.Ba3+ wins the queen
or 1.Nc5 Ka8 2.NxB QxN 3.BxN
1.Nf6+ BxN 2.exB e5 3.fxg
White is better

White moves
White moves
chess puzzles
chess puzzles
1.Nxd6 KxN 2.Bb4+
winning the rook
1.Nxf QxN 2.e4 fork and wins the endgame

Black moves
Black moves
chess puzzles
chess puzzles
1…QxRf1 2.KxQ RxB+
1…Rxe4 2.BxR RxB
wins the endgame as king penetrates to e5

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