Solve these chess puzzles and find the chess moves to win. If you go with your mouse over the diagram you will see the solution.
Black moves |
Black moves |
1…Ba4 if 2.NxB then Nxe2+ |
1…Bh3+ if 2.KxB then Qh1++ |
Black moves |
Black moves |
1…Bxc5 |
1…Bxf |
Black moves |
White moves |
1…Bxh3 2.BxB Ne4 |
1.d7 Bxd 2.Nd5 followed by Nf6 and winning the h-pawn |
White moves |
Black moves |
1.f5 exf? 2.e6! |
1…Nxc4 |
Black moves |
Black moves |
1…Nc5 2.QxQ RxN+ and recaptures Queen afterwards |
1…Nf2+ 2.RxN Rc1+ 3.Rf1 RxR 4.BxR RxB++ |
White moves |
Black moves |
1.Nf6+ gxN 2.Qxh with attack |
1…Nh3+ 2.gxN Rg7 and queen is pinned |
Black moves |
White moves |
1…Qb6 |
1.Qg6 threatens QxR |
White moves |
Black moves |
1.Qxg |
1…QxR 2.QxQ RxBe4 with attack, if 3.QxR then Rf1 mate |
White moves |
White moves |
1.Rc8 |
1.Rc8 RxB 2.e7 |
Black moves |
Black moves |
1…Rxa keeps draw |
1…RxBd2 |
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