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Chess Moves to win

Solve these chess puzzles and find the chess moves to win. If you go with your mouse over the diagram you will see the solution.

Black moves
Black moves
chess moves
chess moves
1…Ba4 if 2.NxB then Nxe2+ 1…Bh3+ if 2.KxB then Qh1++

Black moves
Black moves
chess moves
chess moves
1…Bxc5 1…Bxf

Black moves
White moves
chess moves
chess moves
1…Bxh3 2.BxB Ne4 1.d7 Bxd 2.Nd5 followed by Nf6 and winning the h-pawn

White moves
Black moves
chess moves
chess moves
1.f5 exf? 2.e6! 1…Nxc4

Black moves
Black moves
chess moves
chess moves
1…Nc5 2.QxQ RxN+
and recaptures Queen afterwards
1…Nf2+ 2.RxN Rc1+ 3.Rf1 RxR 4.BxR RxB++

White moves
Black moves
chess moves
chess moves
1.Nf6+ gxN 2.Qxh with attack 1…Nh3+ 2.gxN Rg7 and queen is pinned

Black moves
White moves
chess moves
chess moves
1…Qb6 1.Qg6 threatens QxR

White moves
Black moves
chess moves
chess moves
1.Qxg 1…QxR 2.QxQ RxBe4 with attack, if 3.QxR then Rf1 mate

White moves
White moves
chess moves
chess moves
1.Rc8 1.Rc8 RxB 2.e7

Black moves
Black moves
chess moves
chess moves
1…Rxa keeps draw 1…RxBd2

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