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Chess Amateur versus Master

“The following is the game from the open tournament in Bulgaria which just finished and in which a young Russian boy elo 2190 beat Montenegro GM Dragisa Blagojevic.

Here is the game, Blagojevic was 100% sure that he (his opponent) used a computer during the game because from the move 10 to move 36 the boy played all moves first choice of rybka (strong chess program).

Chess Grandmaster Blagojevic played one more round in the tournament and left the tournament because he felt that he was cheated. Here is that infamous game:” – by GM B.Lalic

Savenkov, Konstantin (2190) – Blagojevic, Dragisa (2522)

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“It seems that we are living in the ” chip era of chess ” – after “computer era of chess!” – Comments by GM B.Lalic

I replayed and checked the game with HOUDINI, the strongest chess program worldwide and found that many moves are the same moves that HOUDINI would have played. Especially the rare move 11.Rc1 and then 14.Rc5 are computer moves and there are many others. – Comment by the Administrator

“Again strike, but this time control of flights, of course in France, started yesterday. Because of that today allways delays ( almost missed a flight because of that ), they did not know from which gate flights are going until the last moment.

For the first time I suffered claustrofobia ( going from departure to the flight there was an immense number of passengers like me, they almost started a stampede. I thought that they are doing that by intention to screw the passengers, but this is all done due to damned French ( last time train strike now flight control strike ).

What do they want those fuxxers? They have very good salaries and still do not want to work. Someone should be in chains for these crimes!!!”

I won in the 1st round of Jaen open tournament.

The opponent was an amateur who had Elo 1882 which is 600 points lower than GM B. Lalic. The black move 5…b5 enters a side variation to lead the opponent into unknown territory.

Madera Narvaez, Bernardino (1882) – Lalic, Bogdan (2480)

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After 18 moves Black (GM Lalic) has a very small advantage because the strong white queenside bishop at b2 gets traded off versus the bad bishop of Black and White has slightly weak pawns on c4 and a4 which are attacked by a black knight. Furthermore the white kingside bishop g2 is “dead meat” as it is blocked by its own pawns d5, c4, a4 which are sitting on white squares, this limits the bishop’s power. See below

White moves and trades bishops

chess moves


Lalic, Bogdan (2480) – Fernandez De Bobadilla, Gabriel (2189)

“I won in the 2nd round of Jaen Open tournament. My technique was very bad ( I had 50 minutes he had 5 minutes plus 30 seconds per move ), instead of 44 Rxc6? computer gives 44 gxh6 plus 4,5 for me.

I did not see his move 45…Raa6, then I did not see his 50…Rh2+ after which I lose the key a-pawn, I should have played instead of 50 a6?, the simple 50 b4, winning with a and b passed pawns.

Later I played very good and I was lucky that the position was still winning for me ( 53 Re5! cutting his king was decisive ), you can see you can spoil even almost plus 5,0, according to computer, if you play on time ( I hate that 30 seconds extra, instead of me winning on time he had suddenly 6 minutes and 4 moves before he had 4 minutes and losing on time ). Still I won.”

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