These chess puzzles are collected from real chess tournaments and are not artificially created. Find the best chess moves to improve your chess thinking and to enrich your imagination.
Black moves |
White moves |
1..Qe7 2.NxR hxB 3.hxg Qh7 4.Nd2 QxN 5.Nf3 Nh5 with advantage for Black |
1.Bd4 pinning |
White moves |
White moves |
1.Be5 |
1.Bf4 |
White moves |
White moves |
1.Bxg7 |
1.Bg8 |
White moves |
White moves |
1.Bh6+ |
1.Bxf KxB 2.Qh4+ winning the queen |
White moves |
White moves |
1.d6 Bxd 2.0-0-0 winning |
1.e4 followed by a fork |
White moves |
White moves |
1.e5 cutting off the queen from g7 |
1.g4 cutting off the black queen from the rook d7 |
Black moves |
Black moves |
1…h5 opening the h-file for the rook |
1…Nc3 2.bxN Ba3+ 3.Kd2 Qxc++ or 3.Kb1 Rb8+ 4.Ka1 Bb2+ 5.Kb1 Bc3+ winning the queen |
White moves |
Black moves |
1.Nd5 |
1…Nf3+ 2.gxN Bxf with attack |
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